Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is the Food Indutry telling us the Truth? - Peanuts

I was reviewing the list of recalled peanut containing items on the FDA website, and I was surprised at the variety of stores represented in that list. If you read the descriptions of the PCA factories, they were pretty wretched. Anf the guy who runs them is a real sleazebag. Willing to do anything and break any laws and take advantage of the system in any way possible to make a penny.

You would think that only the real cheap brands would us his products - the ones that are looking at the way to undercut similar products in cost and quality. But a review of the stores and chains affected reveals otherwise. The list lists premium brands such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe's, where you pay a pretty penny for your healthy goods. It also lists in-house brands like Price Chopper that you might expect to not have the very best (but still more than adequate) ingredients.

So you have to ask yourself - if everyone is using the same cruddy ingredients (and in this case, they were), how much is it worth to pay a premium for your groceries? Are the organic store brands as good as the organic Whole Foods or Trader Joe's brands? And where is all that extra money going to when you pay extra for the premium brands?

I guess the choice is up to you, and caveat emptor!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Crappy Cinemas

So I went to the cinema for the first time in months. Now I know why the Film industry is having problems. Some of it is DVDs and large screens, but part of it is that they do not know what they are doing.

First, the tickets are outrageous - over $10 to see the movie. 2 kids and me - $30+

The concessions are way overpriced - I think it might be cheaper to buy stuff at an airport... $20+

Oh, and did I mention that the lobby was a pigsty? Crussed popcorn and spilled soda all over the floor. Now they ahve "self serve popcorn butter station" - I steered clear of that slimy area - both for health (butter, year right!) and sanitation reasons - it looked like an oil tanker had holed its hull there.

Things were not much better in the screening room. The print was scratched, the projection illumination was too bright, washing out hte colors and creating bloom in the bright areas. Plus people were talking like they were in their living room - hey! If you want to talk, rent it at home.

I asked for my money back... and got it.

That cinema will not be getting my patronage any more. If the cinema industry wants to survive, they will need to do a better job than that. And if we want a better experience, we need to ask for it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Last night I saw Slumdog Millionaire.

What can I add? It was a wonderful movie. At some parts, it was hard to watch - there were scenes of grinding poverty and abuse, but in the end, it was incredible.

As you know, both my children are adopted from India, so the scenes there of the underside of India and of the orphans were at times heart-stoppingly touching. Sometimes I wonder where my kids woul dbe today if they were not part of my family.

Back to Slumdog. There were levels of depth that I did not expect from the movie. Fraternal conflict, unrequited love, gangsters, scenes of religious strife. Not enough dancing, however.

The music was nice too. Very modern Indian pop - a mix of Bhangra, rap and techno.

The print was bad and the projection was terrible, and the concession area was a pigsty, but that is another blog.

If you can handle the scenes of poverty, then I recommend Slumdog Millionaire - you won't be able to forget it.