I don't know about you, but I was more than a little stunned by McCain's selection for VP. I mean Gov. Palin has a startlingly small amount of experience to be president - and that is what the VP is there for, right?
This is a startlingly cynical selection. How stupid do the Republicans think the American public is? OK, I take that back - look who they elected twice. But seriously, do they really think that they can get Hillary supporters' votes by throwing any old schmegeggy woman out there - even a woman who is the opposite of the progressive liberal that is Sen. Clinton?
Well... they did push out Clarence Thomas as a black Supreme Court Justice who has consistently ruled against traditional black and minority issues, so this should not be such a surprise after all.
I guess this will be an interesting election. I can't wait for the VP debates - it will be interesting to see Gov. Palin tangle with Sen. Biden. I am sure that they are training Gov. Palin to handle all the standard questions, it will be interesting to see how she handles the questions that are outside her traditional area of experience.
This is either a brilliant choice, or a shot in the foot. Time will tell.
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