There is a culture war coming. And it will not be pretty.
Some of that came to light when I was over at the stringed instrument store to pick up some music for my cello. As I pulled up in my minivan (small, 4-cylinder, 10 years old), I saw the cars an the parking lot: 3 Priuses, a Volvo, a Subaru Outback and a Honda Minivan, and a few other nondescript Japanese cars. No Fords, no Buicks, no trucks.
And all these cars were sporting eco bumper stickers and Obama bumper stickers and bumper stickers talking about classical music, stickers for private schools and academies. I was the only standout because besides my Obama sticker, I was sporting a Natick Lacrosse sticker.
It got me to thinking. What is it about playing a stringed instrument that attracts a cetain type of person in general? Middle/upper-middle class, liberal, academically oriented.
i don't have the answer, I am just making an observation. But it seems to be a type and there did not seem to be a lot of diversity in that group (racial diversity, yes - but other than skin color they looked pretty much the same).
I think this group is happy about the Obama win, but there must be thousands just like them. But there are others that are the polar opposite who are thinking that their world is crazy and turned upside down. They may be becoming smaller, but they are still a big group.
And they are in for a shock.
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