So, its a lovely day on a 3 day weekend and I decide to give the dog an extra walk around the block.
We're cruising around and I see the neighborhood high school kids shooting hoop in the street and I see what looks like a couple of rolls from a pizza joint in the street. You know the rolls I mean... pizza dough rolled into a ball about the size of a billiard ball and baked in the brick oven - oh YUM!
Anyway, I ask them if those are crab apples, and the youngest one says no, and he's not sure what they are.
Me, being Mr. Smarty-pants, figures I can tell what they are, so I cruise on over. He grabs a stick and pokes one of them and picks it up for a closer look and then sticks it in my face.
I look at it.
I look more closely.
My minds starts racing, but nothing comes out.
It still looks like a roll, except it has cracks in it and the inside is kind of an amber clear stuff. I'm thinking its some sort of fungus, but there does not seem to be a place where it was touching the ground, or anything else. Plus, there is that clear, jell-o like stuff inside.
Then it hits me...
I call them over and say, "Its some sort of alien pod or seed and you're that person who goes over and pokes it with a stick." And we know what happens to him. He taken over by the aliens and is either possessed or dead before the first commercial (if it is TV), or before the beginning credits are over. He's doomed.
I back away and tell them, "Just kidding. My best guess is that its a fungus. Probably a good idea to not touch it or breath to deeply around it." But I know its an alien and he's a goner.
Maybe tomorrow I'll go over and take some photos of it and post it to see if anyone recognizes it.
Always something new under the sun!
Postscript: I went there the next day with my camera and it was gone.
Definitely an alien pod.
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