Thursday, October 16, 2008

Flash Game - Warfare 1917

So I was introduced to another Flash Game - "Warfare 1917." It is a Flash Game where you manage troops during WWI (either German or English) and try to take over trenches and territory and eventually win the war. It is by the same guys that made "The Last Stand" and "The Last Stand 2" - 2 other really good zombie shooting games. I'll review them soon.

Warfare 1917 lets you use your resources to build different types of troops with different strengths and weaknesses, and different build times You also can direct artillery fire (and eventually tanks) in later scenarios. Like "The Last Stand 1 & 2" a bug part of this is managing your resources. But this game also includes some tactical needs like what troops to send and when.

There definitely is some strategy, as I have been able to improve my push to end the war, going from 9 wins and 27 losses, to 9 wins and 6 losses and finally to 9 wins and no losses.

It is amazing what can be done in Flash nowadays.

Now you can't play this in one sitting unless you have an hour or so, but if you play it at Armorgames, it lays a cookie on your browser and saves your progress.

So if you are interested in a bit more than a "twitch shoot 'em up," give Warfare 1917 a try, I think you might enjoy it.

Have fun!


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