Friday, August 15, 2008

R U A Nerd?

So is nerd cool? Or is nerd still... well... nerdy?

I don't know. But I do know that nerds are ruling the world and pushing a lot of our economy. Trust me, the nerds did not cause the dot-com bust. They did not cause the mortgage bust, and they did not cause the gas prices to fly out the window.

They didn't even cause global warming... but they may solve it.

Who knows, we may even get our first nerdy president.

Now I have to admit, I have many nerdy tendencies - unnatural obsession with technology. I am drawn to certain things that my wife just does not care about. Like pi. I think pi is cool, to her it is just silly. Same with prime numbers - no attraction for her.

And can you believe it, she doesn't even have a favorite number! I have one - 27. Why? Well it's kind of obvious 27 is 3 to the third power, and three is the lowest prime number. Cool, eh?

So I took an online nerd quiz and guess what? I made pretty nerdy.


I am nerdier than 87% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out!

Give it a shot. I hit pay dirt with the number of computers I have and building my own, and owning an HP computer that does RPN (actually, I have 2). Also a microscope, telescope, and slide rule.

Anyway, check your nerd score and see what pops up.


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